An Introduction to Historiography

Selected essays on the history of history

Marxist Historiography

Sed sit amet tortor at erat fermentum efficitur. Aenean tristique est sed ultrices vulputate. Fusce massa felis, volutpat nec quam sit amet, accumsan lacinia justo. Donec sit amet congue mi. Ut id tellus sit amet leo venenatis porta. Maecenas lobortis nibh in maximus euismod. Aliquam erat volutpat.

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Chinese Historiography

Chinese historiography contains a longer continuous tradition than any other on Earth, stretching back to ancient times. The length of this tradition, and the long standing belief by Chinese academics that Chinese historiography is the paramount form of the discipline make it valuable counterpoint to European historiography.

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The Historical Value of Film

When watching a film or documentary, the average viewer is immersed in a moment in history in a way that reading a text could never accomplish. When viewing film through a historian’s lens, we can be more objective in our observations of footage from the past.

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Historical Truth

From the scrolls of ancient Greece to the jargon packed books of the modern academic historian, historians have searched for “true histories”. In studying what constitutes history, we must focus on some themes that belong to what we call today historiography.

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Professional History

In mid-nineteenth century Germany, a professor at the University of Berlin would fundamentally change the way history is taught and applied. No individual contributed more to the professionalization of historiography than Leopold Von Ranke.

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